This summer I’m deep in creative research for a pedagogy of death, decay and destruction, developing group practices and readying to interview Siv Watkins of Micro-Animism (on ‘the smalls’), Paul Wolflight of the Ahimsa project (on violence and heart) and Adam and Holly of the Horstmann Trust (on vultures). I’m also ridiculously excited to be heading to visit ‘their’ vultures in the wilds of Wales.

Yes, I will bring you back audio and images of these glorious birds doing their thing…

We (with Ruth Ben-Tovim and our team) are in full swing putting the word out and developing A Devon Un/Learning Journey, calling in a cohort of folk keen to look back, look around and imagine forward together. We’re plotting visits to Drake’s Mayflower, deepest Dartmoor and the suffragettes headquarters in Torquay amongst other experiential learning moments.

We’re also seeing what it takes to find funding for a project like this that enables a broad range of participants to get involved. If you’re interested in sponsoring someone or sending and funding a team / community member get in touch!

Kara Moses and I are also plotting our offerings for 2025, building on the Radical Ecological Pedagogies work of the last few years. Watch this space.

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