A Devon Un/Learning Journey
to 1 Dec

A Devon Un/Learning Journey

  • Dartington, Torquay, Plymouth, Dartmoor and online (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Are you involved in the work of personal or societal transformation?

Based in Devon? Interested in the dance between personal, local and systemic global issues?

We will be looking back to Devon’s colonial past and its legacy today to inform how we can creatively look forward to uncertain futures…

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Call Of The Wild 2025
to 10 Nov

Call Of The Wild 2025


The process of developing our capacity to be a mentor for nature connection is a thrilling and soulful adventure that’s full of potential opportunities, challenges and possibilities. This programme will give you the skills and tools to navigate this journey for yourself and bring your leadership potential into focus, supported by experienced professionals, a community of like-minded and inspired peers, and a deep connection with the natural world itself.

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Lessons in Listening
to 16 Sep

Lessons in Listening


I am a guest practitioner offering into this Land Art Residency that is guiding “participants through a programme of creative experiences that will attune & develop their abilities to listen to the seen & the unseen with practices inspired by the Land, Sea & Sky.”

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Eco-Facilitation: Skills For Experiential Environmental Education

Eco-Facilitation: Skills For Experiential Environmental Education


How do we enable connection with nature from a deep understanding that we too are part of nature? How might we co-facilitate with the places we work in? How does presence and connection in ourselves change how we work with groups?

This workshop introduces creative practices and simple inquiries to help open deeper connections within the natural world…

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Online Q&A for A Devon Un/Learning Journey

Online Q&A for A Devon Un/Learning Journey

This hour-long online Q&A gathering will introduce the general info, structure, inquiries and intentions of A Devon Un/Learning Journey - a 9-week course beginning in September 2024. It is an opportunity to experience a flavour of the training and facilitation of myself and my co-facilitator Ruth, and to bring your questions and curiosities into an interactive space with others.

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Wildwise: Nature Connection in a Complex World

Wildwise: Nature Connection in a Complex World

If we go back far enough, we all have lineages that root us in healthy relationships within nature, this is our birthright as humans. We are one of the billions of species that make up this extraordinary planet. Over the centuries and across continents, different beliefs, power dynamics, societal structures and modern economics have created great imbalances and harm between humans, and to the ecologies we are part of. As we find and facilitate ways to reconnect with nature, how might we keep an awareness of the bigger picture?

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Creative Lab

Creative Lab

Within Modernity, we hide away signs of death, decay and destruction. Within nature, these is constant breakdown in intricate relationships with emergent life, and all the in betweens.

What have we forgotten, hidden away, denied? And what impact does that have culturally?

What will enable us to work with generative forms of death, decay and destruction to change ongoing patterns of harm?

Come and explore ideas through creative exercises, collaborative responses and discussion, applying some activities directly to your own context. For change agents, artists, systemic thinkers, facilitators, activists interested in processes and practices of change.

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A Council Of All Beings... with a difference

A Council Of All Beings... with a difference

In a growth-based, death-phobic society, how might we turn to healthy ecosystems for a more whole approach to change? What might we learn at the feet of vultures, fire ecologies, dung beetles and fallen trees?

A Council Of All Beings is a powerful practice developed by Joanna Macy and others to invite the voices of the more-than-human world to speak through us. Rooted in deep ecology, ritual, and collective inquiry, the experience will include time outside, mask making, play and a council ritual.

This Council will focus on listening for insights only from species, elements and patterns in nature that perform the essential tasks of death, decay, collapse, destruction and decomposition.

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Letting Life Lead: A Systemic Constellations retreat
to 1 Nov

Letting Life Lead: A Systemic Constellations retreat

A retreat for organisational leaders, social entrepreneurs, activists and change agents working on major social, cultural and environmental challenges. The retreat will provide a space for deeper reflection and experimentation with a key challenge that you are working on.

For more information and to book visit:

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Devon Transformed Festival
to 24 Sep

Devon Transformed Festival

I am doing a session on Sunday 24th September called From the Roots Up: When ‘we’ say ‘radical’ what do we mean?.

In this interactive talk Toni, Anairda and Phoenix Ramen will explore their own practice as facilitators, artists, women and activists working at the intersections of ecological and social change in Plymouth, Exeter, Torquay, Dartington and beyond. Where do issues of class, race, gender meet questions of anti-capitalist, decolonial and love based agency?

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Nature Connection in a Complex World

Nature Connection in a Complex World

As practitioners guiding people to connect with the wild, how might we weave in more awareness of our intra-relatedness in a globalised world?

How can we stay curious about how we might be repeating patterns of harm that have got us to this place? Where does appreciation of other cultures and their practices become appropriation of wisdom that doesn’t acknowledge power imbalances in the wider world? Where can we increase our awareness of difference and diversity in this work?

As well as looking back and looking around at the troubles of the world, we inevitably look ahead and are faced with an ever more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world world.

Through nature connection exercises, pair and personal work, theory, story and discussion we’ll explore how to engage with these themes and ways we might do things differently, depending on our context. The space will be held in a way that supports compassion and courage in the conversations and an awareness that we all have different histories and lived experience

How do practices of Nature Connection support us to face forward with more resilience, flexibility and connection? How might we be more rooted in ecological understanding as we move forward?

For more information and to book visit:

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